Paper bricks and newspaper wood

Paper is largely produced and discarded, it can be recycled but not indefinitely.  With each recycle the fibers shorten and the quality degrades.  Paper bricks are made from recycled newspapers. 

  • Newspapers and recycled papers are collected and turned into pulp.

  • The pulp is mixed with glue and pressed into bricks. They can be cut and combined to make furniture. Newspapers are turned into pulp and then mixed with glue. The mixture is shaped into bricks by using molds. Woojia Lee makes Paper Bricks long lasting and uses in furniture design.

  • Essentially a process of turning trash into useful commodities. Paper brick is an example of how we will consider our waste in coming years. Renewable and recyclable.

  • Sturdy, stackable with a marbled-look, good scratch resistance. Poor fire resistance, moderate UV protection.


Class 3 Intro to Sustainable Materials. 9/23/21

