Banana Fiber Paper

A type of paper created from banana plant bark or banana peel fibers. Banana fiber consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.

  • Harvesting

    Bananas are harvested from plantations - the stems and trunks usually discarded. Banana stems are collected for use as a natural fiber. Requires less energy, fertilizer and chemicals than conventional paper.

  • Forming Methods

    Handmade or produced by machinery. Banana fibers are ground down to saw-dust like appearance. Fiber is washed to remove natural resins. The fibers are pulped to create post-consumer fiber. The post consumer fiber is mixed with agricultural fiber to make banana paper. It has also been used to make pens, and other stationary items.

  • Sustainability

    • Compostable

    • Renewable

    • Does not require chemicals during manufacturing

    • By-product of the banana industry

  • Physical Properties

    • low density

    • high stiffness

    • high tensile strength

    • Long fibers - good for strenght


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