Coffee Polymer

The coffee polymer by OVDesigns uses 30% coffee grounds - it is a blend of coffee grounds and potato starch. They degrade in two months and provide nutrients to the soil. When kept dry the material will last for several years. The portfolio includes an espresso polymer, cappuccino polymer and an American polymer.

The espresso polymer is suitable for products that have a long lifespan, such as chairs, trays and coffee machine parts; recyclable and industrially compostable.

The cappuccino polymer can be used in the production of products like packaging of cosmetics or cotton swabs and will degrade in nature. It is made up of coffee grounds and corn starch. It is long lasting but can degrade in nature or be recycled.

The Americano Polymer is developed for single-use plastics and can be used for planters and golf tees.

  • Every year millions of kilograms of used coffee grounds are thrown away. The used coffee with end up in the dump or be burned with all other trash. Coffee grounds are easy to keep separated from other trash and is a really clean constant residue.

  • OVDesigns offers a range of biobased high-performance polymer resins, varying between biodegradable, compostable and non-degradable.

    The materials can be extruded, injection molded and rotation molded.

    Used as a filling material in purely natural thermosetting polymer or “thermoset” a type of liquid polymer which undergoes irreversible hardening into a resin in a process known as curing. The thermoset was made from linseed oil, citric acid and ethyl lactate.

  • Biobased, biodegradable and sustainable.

    Worldwide, we produce almost 9.5 million tons of waste coffee grounds every year and most of it ends up in landfills where every ton generates 14 tons of CO2.

    The products offer a reduced carbon footprint in comparison with many traditional plastics.

  • Durable enough for long term product use but can be formed for single-use and short term use products.


Citations – Intro to Sustainable Materials.  Class lecture. 9/21/21 Professor Nick Dine.


Banana Fiber Paper


Leaf Leather